Sunday, March 23, 2008

Training and Anger

I wanted to share with you something God showed me this past Thursday. I had mandatory drivers training on Thursday and I was under the imppression that it was only four hours long. Later in the day my wife and I were having a cook out with her side of the family at our home. We were grilling hamburgers and I am the "grill master" in the family.

I went to training that morning with every intention of leaving around lunch time to be back home to help tidy up and get the grill ready. After an hour and a half long of boring class room stuff we headed to the driving range. I was speaking to one of the instructors in the course that I had worked with in the past and told him I was leaving around lunch time. Another instructor over heard the comment and said I was going to be here the entire eight hours.

At that point I felt the anger and rage come over me. The old me would have certainly let it out and I would have had a not so pleasant verbal dispute with this instructor. So, instead of venting to him, I called my wife and vented to her! My wife was very encouraging and told me not to let it get to me and if I did in fact have to be there for eight hours we would just have supper later. She did help me calm down enough to remember the reason why I thought I was only to be there for four hours. I had an email sent to me from the driving range Sgt that said something about being there for half a day.

I held my tongue and decided to wait until lunch, go check my email and then come back to the range and so that instructor the email then leave. Well the Lord must have been with me. I checked the email and sure enough I was wrong and I was scheduled to be there all day.

I thanked God that the old me was gone and He reminded me of the following Bible verse:

Pro 16:32 He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.

I also thought about how God held back His anger from us sinners too. Instead of sending His only begotten Son He could have easily snapped His fingers and put an end to this world. What better example of love is there?

I just wanted to share that with you.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Welcome to my first attempt at Blogging! Please be patient with me because I am not a computer savvy person and I have never attempted anything like this before.

With this blog I hope to share some of my experiences with you and my ultimate goal is to bring Cops to Christ! If you search the other PeaceKeeper chapters you will see the same idea, bringing Cops to Christ. As a Christian Police Officer most of use feel the strong calling to minister to other Police Officers and to the public, even though sometimes we would rather just lock 'em up and throw away the key!

So, again welcome to the Charlotte PeaceKeepers blog and thanks for visiting!
Please stay tuned for more, this blog is in working status!