Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Another Great E-mail

This was sent to me by a person that has a huge burden for Police Officers. She wrote this herself and it is very, very good! I hope you enjoy it.

In the beginning when God was busy creating and filling the rooms of the souls of men, he came to the very last room of souls. This was the room that contained the very unique and brightly lit “Blue Soul”. He knew that for this last room of souls he would create a very special one that would contain some of the Highest qualities his kingdom had in it. This one “blue” soul would feel the weight of the world on it at times and would need a whole lot of support. He would need to make a lot of these. Because these souls would feel like they had been to war at times, he would also have to include the qualities of a warrior’s spirit in with it.

He sent his angel to the room that was labeled “Qualities Room”. This room contained all the vials of soul mixtures in heaven. God said, “bring me the vials of compassion, honor, courage, respect, intelligence, wisdom, patience, desire, calling and family”.

God then began to mix and pour until he had a unique combination that would fit just right. God poured honor and courage first; because this one soul would need to portray these above all.

Next he made a mixture of wisdom and intelligence followed by compassion, respect and patience. These he added liberally because this soul would soon run out of these qualities and he knew that all the soul had to do was tap into God when he felt low and God would fill it up again.

Family was the next vial he came to. This would become very important to this soul. For when this soul met another “blue” soul, there would be an instant unspoken bond between them. They would be there for each other to support and lift up the other when needed.

Calling and desire were all that were left to be infused into this soul. God picked up the vial of calling and put just a dropper full in. Saying, “we don’t need much of this one because this is a very powerful substance and he will know from the time he is a small child that he has a calling on his life and that he will be special among many, for he will follow this calling all his life.

There will be others that will try to imitate this soul, but they will burn out quickly, they won’t last long, because they do not contain this “calling” quality in their soul.

At the last came the vial of desire. God Said, “I will put a desire in their hearts to know me. When the weight of the world has gotten them down (and it will), when all their compassion, respect, patience, wisdom, intelligence, honor and family seem to be draining away and they are running on empty (and they will), if they will fulfill this desire and come to me, I will fill them back up to over flowing. I will refill their emptiness with me and since I love them with all my heart, I will prove it, I will send my son to die for them.”

This room he labeled “LEO spirit”. And God said “ I will place this soul into each man at each appointed time, and he will be created for such a time as this”.

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