Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

I just wanted say a little something about the election today.

I know people are concerned with both of the candidates. Some people are more concerned than others. Me personally, I'm not that concerned. It doesn't matter who gets in because when we wake up tomorrow morning, no matter who is in the white house, God is still in control! God was in control the day JFK won the election, He was in control the day George Washington took the office. No matter who is in the white house God is still in control. If Obama or McCain wins neither one of them are going to knock Him off the throne! God is always in control! Malachi 3 :6 says For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed. God will not change, He will not lie, he will not say I used to think that way but now I think this way. God will always be God and He will always be in control!

So go out and vote for your candidate and remember in four or eight years from now God is still in control and always will be!

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