Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Would you like to be a Cop for a day?

1 comment:

Jacque said...

Hey Mike...it's your big sis here. I am amazed at how far you have come, not only in your professional life but spiritual as well.

People don't realize how difficult a job police officers have. It's not all fun and games like seen on television shows. The dangers are real each time you leave the station. Of course not all of it is about the offenders. You get to be out in the community and make a difference in lives. I'm sure there are people you have met who just needed someone to tell them hello.

Being a police officer is not just about making arrests. It is also about making a difference in the lives of people and their communities. There are so many people out there who have no one to talk to, many of which are straying down the wrong road. Who better to help them than a police officer who can open their eyes to what making the wrong decisions in life can do.

As much as I admire what you do, it takes a special person to go out there each and every day and continue on despite of the situations being placed in.

I am glad to see that you are emphasising the importance of God in peoples' lives. No one has to be alone, all they have to do is call on God. You may not get the answer you want from him, but guaranteed it will be the right one for you.

Take care and hope to see more on your site.
